Our single biggest need is for puppy raisers and sitters! Assist in providing a solid foundation for our puppies and adolescents as they grow into valuable, life-changing service dogs. Interested? Contact volunteer@summitdogs.org for more information.
Sewing and crafting volunteer opportunities are perfect for utilizing your creative skills in beneficial ways. Sew Summit patches onto dog vests, cut fleece for dog toys, and more! Perfect for those who want to help from the comfort of one’s own home or in a group!
Contact volunteer@summitdog.org to learn more!
Come help us care for dogs at our Whidbey Island campus, just north of Oak Harbor. We are in need of volunteers that can commit to a weekly schedule to help with general dog care including tasks such as kennel cleaning, feeding, pottying, and exercising our young dogs in training. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@summitdogs.org for a volunteer application or with questions.
Do you enjoy speaking to others, tabling at fairs and festivals, or hosting fundraising events? Summit is always seeking volunteers to help spread the word.
Contact volunteer@summitdogs.org to learn more!
Summit dogs travel a lot! As a transportation volunteer, you can help Summit transport our dogs to and from our prison program, event spaces, foster homes, our campus, and more. If you are interested in a flexible volunteer opportunity, contact us at volunteer@summitdogs.org today!
We could use help keeping our Summit campus maintained both indoors and outdoors. If you enjoy tasks like trail maintenance, gardening, cleaning, and organizing, we want to hear from you.
Additionally, we often need assistance with preparing mailings, data entry, and filing.
Contact volunteer@summitdogs.org for more information!
Workplace Giving Programs, Volunteer Events, and Presentations
Contact us at info@summitdogs.org to inquire about presentations and volunteer opportunities for your group!